Patient Comfort

While no dental procedure is 100% comfortable, we go to great lengths to minimize any discomfort you might feel. Many of our patients have told us that their procedure was much easier than they had expected. The following are some of the techniques we use to provide you with as comfortable an experience as possible:


Patient comfort is one of the most important aspects of care. Different patients have different needs for pain and anxiety control medication. Depending upon the procedure and your wishes, there are many medications we can prescribe.  
Patients with certain medical conditions (e.g. valvular heart conditions and artificial joints) may be asked to pre-medicate with antibiotics prior to treatment. We do this with your safety in mind. Please inform us if you have a condition that might require pre-medication.

Local Anesthesia

We recognize that injections of local anesthesia can be uncomfortable. Because of this, we take extra care when preparing a patient for anesthetic. We use a topical anesthetic on your gums first to desensitize them and then administer the anesthetic very slowly and precisely to reduce the burning sensation that can be experienced. These techniques help to minimize any discomfort during this portion of care.

Nitrous Oxide

For those patients who need more help to relax, nitrous oxide is available to help make you more comfortable during your treatment. Nitrous oxide helps to reduce both anxiety as well as the intensity of any sensitivity you might feel. It does not require an extended recovery period so you can resume your regular schedule immediately after the appointment. 


For longer procedures and for those patients who prefer a greater level of relaxation, we offer sedation taken orally prior to the appointment. This approach, combined with local anesthesia and sometimes nitrous oxide, allows the patient to be relaxed and comfortable during treatment while still being able to walk, talk and act independently. Most patients are relaxed enough that they can doze off, if they choose, during the procedure. Memory of the procedure and of the time spent in the office may be diminished. This level of sedation is more than adequate for procedures in our office and requires that you have someone else drive you to and from the appointment. Your comfort is one of our primary concerns. If you have any questions about anesthesia or sedation, please do not hesitate to discuss these with us.